NCFM and “The Red Pill” Bay Area Premiere

November 3, 2016


Teri, Steven, Cassie, Jeanne, Patrick, Jeff, and Eve at The Red Pill screening in Berkeley.

The Red Pill


NCFM members Teri Stoddard, J. Steven Svoboda, Jeanne Falla, and friends attended the Berkeley, Calif screening of The Red Pill documentary on Nov. 1. The audience gave Cassie a standing ovation, and the Q&A with Dr. Warren Farrell, Director Cassie Jaye, and J. Steven Svoboda was pleasant. There were no protesters or disrupters.

If you get a chance to see The Red Pill, you must! Find a screening here.

Once you see the film, leave a review on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb, and post a comment here.

UPDATE: Several hardcore feminists were shaken to their core at The Marin County screening of The Red Pill on Nov. 6, all moved by the facts and stories so masterfully shown by Cassie Jaye.

One Response to NCFM and “The Red Pill” Bay Area Premiere

  1. Erin Pizzey on November 9, 2016 at 2:21 am

    The Red Pill is a babe and honest film. Cassie Jay takes the plunge down the rabbit warren that leads to two opposing factions the first is the gender feminists who are distainful of the men’s movement at least the women who agreed to talk to the film maker and the men in the MRA movement who soul searingly tell of the atrocities that destroyed them and their relationship with their children. Paul Elam who for many years devoted his live to A Voice for Men the biggest and most followed internet platform in the world talks to Cassie Jaye and he holds the thread of the narrative through this film. I explain in this filmjust how a fraudulent group of gender feminists hi jacked the domestic violence movement and funded their political ideology on the broken backs of men, women and children. I hope this documentary is nominated for an Oscar.

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